
ダラ奥な私と、漫画アニメオタクな外国人夫との平凡な日常! 毎日更新しています!

  • 出会い編
  • 留学編
  • 旅行編
  • シドニー編
  • バンコク編

カテゴリ: English

皆さまいかがお過ごしでしょうか?私の方は夫、義父母とメルボルンからシドニーに戻り、先日義母はメルボルン、義父は香港に帰国しました!その間ずっと毎日更新出来ていた私を褒め称えたかったんですが、本日久しぶりに夫と2人きりで映画デートをしまして、ブログ記事を描く ...

Hello everybody!I’m really sorry, Mukky chan was helping me with the move, so today’s blog update will be late...Please come back again in the afternoon.Alternatively, you can also subscribe to our line automatic update function by clicking here, then y ...

Hello, Everybody! We are very sorry there's no manga blog today because my wife is sick... 😷 Thank you for your support and we will continue again on Sunday. Have a good weekend!  ...

Hi Everyone, my wife just painted her nails so she told me she couldn't draw... 😤😨😫😪😩 やあ皆さん、僕の妻はマニキュア塗ったばかりなのでブログが描けないと言っています。 I don't really know why, but for my own safety it is best not to ask, and simply ...

Hi Everyone!皆さん、こんにちは!It's J-Kin again... and you have guessed it right, my wife is lazy busy again ... またJ君です…あなたのご想像通り、僕の妻はまた怠け 忙しいのです。 Just kidding, we have recently travelled to China, so it's a little bit d ...

Merry Christmas everyone!!!皆さん、メリークリスマス!!My wife told me I need to give Christmas present to everyone, so here's another blog entry for you! (and once again, of course this is not because she's lazy or don't have any drawings... ) :P僕の妻が ...

Hi Everyone,皆さんこんにちはIt's J Kun again, while Mukky was busy in Japan, I also had my own adventure and we wanted to show you some of them today! :)またJ君です。ムッキーが日本で忙しい間、僕自身も冒険をしたので、皆さんに今日見せたいと思います。Of cour ...